1-day courses run for ages 10 to 17 years who wish to develop their race-riding skills. You do not need to own your own pony or have previous experience of pony racing.
1-day courses run for ages 10 to 17 years who wish to develop their race-riding skills. You do not need to own your own pony or have previous experience of pony racing.
We provide short courses for work riders and those applying for a jockey licence to help improve their riding skills.
A ½ day course for anyone transporting horses in connection with economic activity as required by law. Training and a 30-question exam provided. Certification is granted through the Dept. Of Agriculture.
A 1-day course delivered by leading Amateur Rider, Derek O’Connor in conjunction with RACE and funded by Equuip. Riders are coached on schooling over jumps and race-riding skills. Click on this page for dates for this course and how to apply for a place.
The overall aim of the programme is to provide the learner with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skill and competence needed to work in a range of roles in the equine sector and /or to progress to further or higher education and training.