RACE is committed to excellence and delivering a training service of the highest standards. We are ambitious in our plans, always try to take the longer-term view and are willing to invest in areas which will enhance performance and productivity. We promote an environment of continuous improvement and adopt a quality approach incorporating professionalism and integrity in our dealings with colleagues, learners and other stakeholders.
The ethos or characteristic spirit that motivates RACE is based on the value of each individual person and the respect they are due. We are committed to dealing with every individual with courtesy, fairness and consistency with the ultimate aim of enabling each person to maximise their personal potential. We practice open and honest communication with colleagues and learners alike, providing regular feedback on performance. We seek to maintain an environment which encourages the formation of good habits and builds strong characters in our young people.
We take very seriously our responsibilities in looking after the needs of young people placed in our care. Because of the inherent risks associated with working with racehorses, constant vigilance is applied to Health & Safety issues. Comprehensive procedures and regular staff training ensure the maintenance of a suitable environment for the safeguarding and nurturing of young people on residential courses and the promotion of their all-round development. This concern for individual welfare and development extends beyond graduation in a life-cycle approach to support services.
RACE adopts a teamwork approach to how we work together and how we deliver our services. Flexibility and a spirit of cooperation characterise our dealings with colleagues, stakeholders and industry bodies and all staff are encouraged to be positive, display leadership and have a strong sense of responsibility for their contribution to RACE services and culture. We always strive to work in partnership with other industry bodies towards common objectives.
Continuous Improvement
RACE is committed to continuous improvement in the design and delivery of our training services. We constantly evaluate our performance and seek feedback from learners and stakeholders in order to improve aspects of our service and maximise our potential. We recognise that we operate in a constantly changing environment and must be open to change and development. Staff are encouraged to update their skills, to be resourceful and show initiative in identifying practical solutions. We regularly benchmark our performance to ensure we are providing practical and relevant services and producing graduates who are fit for purpose.